Monday, January 6, 2020

Case Analysis Tire Rack - 1314 Words

1. Case Introduction Somebody ought to stock a few of every tire, sell them over the phone, and ship them, thought Mike Joines when he had trouble finding the right performance tires for his sports coupe. Joines approached his father-in-law, Peter Veldman and help him open a retail tire store. After seven years, they were making so may phone orders; they closed the store and added phone lines. Veldman now is president and patriarch of Tire Rack, a family-owned Internet and mail-order tire retailer. His wife, four of their six children and two son-in-law also work for Tire Rack. Tire Rack sells name-brand tires to consumers and to other retailers. For consumers, Tire Rack ships to its network for recommended†¦show more content†¦In this case, Veldman family has so many people can chosen as the successor and Mr. Peter Veldman has not had any succession planning yet although he is now over 70 years old. 3. Recommendation 3.1 Human Resource Management In my opinion, why not Veldman family looks for someone more capable than them, to do the job for them, so that company can move forward in a more professional way? Even though they have experience, there is still a certain limit. If they carry on like this, they will not move forward, they will stay where they are. An outside manager can bring fresh ideas as well as external expertise to the company and make more profits for it. (Lam, 2007) 3.2 Marketing Strategies Edmonds – Veldman daughter and vice president in charge of customer service of Tire Rack, says word of mouth and references are still our biggest source of new customers†. Tire Rack not only operates well but also need a great development. Therefore, they should develop marketing strategies to promote their product. The followings are three steps that Tire Rack can use to develop a marketing strategy †¢ Setting objectives Marketing objectives should be tied in with the company’s competitive edge and flow from its mission statement. †¢ Choosing target market This step can be done by using market segmentation to divide the market into distinct groups of customer withShow MoreRelatedAutomobile and Roll Cage Analysis1650 Words   |  7 Pagesoutlines the design and analysis of the Efficycle 2012 - Green Rhinos three wheeled vehicle. DESIGN METHODOLOGY: The designing of the vehicle has been carried after studying the various designs of the fore-mentioned trikes, followed by its advantages and disadvantages.All the design issues were studied and an attempt has been made tosolve them in the present design. Then, the design is subjected to various load conditions at the sides and front with finite element analysis using ANSYS. 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