Sunday, November 24, 2019

Principles of Support for Maintaining Good Personal Hy Essay Example

Principles of Support for Maintaining Good Personal Hy Essay Example Principles of Support for Maintaining Good Personal Hy Essay Principles of Support for Maintaining Good Personal Hy Essay It is important to maintain good hygiene in order to care for your own personal appearance and eliminate body odours which might offend others/embarrass yourself. Personal hygiene refers to cleaning and grooming the body. Personal hygiene is an important way of protecting the body again diseases and infections. Good hygiene promotes self esteem and general well-being. Poor hygiene is known to be ill received by general public. Poor hygiene is known effect people’s health and can lead to health problems as well as appearance.The failure to maintain good personal hygiene can result in illness of different kinds such as the breakdown of skin, ulcers and boils. Poor oral hygiene can lead to heart disease and plaque causing build up in the arteries. Poor hand washing can lead to spread of infectious disease such as salmonella infection. Infrequent washing of hair and skin can lead to acne and low self esteem. Poor hygiene could be a sign for depression Outcome 2You can address the issue of personal hygiene in a sensitive matter by giving the service user the choice of what they want to have either wash/shower/bath and when they want to have one morning/afternoon/evening or if they would like support and how much. Explaining how it might make them feel more refreshed and better about themselves you could also give them the choice of what products they use. How to make an individual aware of the effects of poor hygiene on others Personal hygiene is a topic often brought up during the pre-teen and teen years when a youngsters body is developing.However, there are times when adults need to be reminded about personal care as well. When subtle hints about showering or using  deodorant  have no effect, a conversation is the next  step. This conversation can be uncomfortable for us and the resident but it doesnt need to be. With some preparation and a few helpful props, we can talk to someone about personal hygiene and help him implement improvements. Begin the conversation with a compliment, such as making note that the individuals hair looked very clean the previous day. Continue the conversation by stating the poor hygiene that we have noticed.Will use words like, I have noticed instead of You dont. Simply identify the problem area for the individual, whether that is showering, oral hygiene or something else. Continue the conversation by discussing the personal care steps the individual seems to be skipping. If this appears to be a shower, will ask the individual when she/he showers regularly or if she/he had time to shower that day. Evaluate the individuals response as to why the hygiene step has been skipped. If it wasnt skipped, then the next step would be to discuss how to do it correctly.Will provide a demonstration if possible or offer the correct hygiene products to fulfil the task. State our concern over the individuals hygiene. Phrase the concern carefully and use caring words. Will offer the individual the personal care item she/he may be lacking, such as deodorant or  mouth wash. Will end the conversation by affirming the person. This can be done by stating how much we care for him/her, assuring that this hygiene issue doesnt change our relationship or helping him/her devise a personal care plan. Outcome 3There are many factors that make up good personal hygiene with the main ones being washing, oral care, hair care, nail care, wound care, cleansing of personal utensils, Personal hygiene is as it says, personal. Everybody has their own habits and standards that they have been taught or that they have learnt from others. It is essentially the promotion and continuance of good health. Poor personal cleansing can have a very significant effect on the start and spread of many illnesses through contact with nutritional consumables, some that can be potentially lethal.You need to show that, you develop and maintain relationships that promote the views, preferences and independence of individuals and key p eople. By realising that adults have a right to choose the way they are treated or cared for, take their medication and to decide if they need certain precaution measures. Support and treat all service users as individuals and with respect and dignity when considering their needs and preferences. This involves asking them their opinions on every aspect of their hygiene routine.Finding a balance for those who wish to be as independent as possible, so long as that while doing so they do not put themselves or others at risk. Starting with a warm safe place and talking to the individual about what they want or need to be assisted with personal hygiene, taking care to stay within the boundaries set up in their individual  care plans. Talking about what is going to happen and making sure they understand and are comfortable with what has been said and what will be happening.Making sure they have everything they need before you start so not to interrupt the process causing distress. Ensur ing the other members of the support team know where you are and what is happening so not to be disturbed and finally shutting the door and locking if necessary. When giving personal hygiene cover personal areas that are not being washed making sure the individual is not caused any embarrassment and as a supporter not staring but being relaxed and confident in what is happening. Ensuring throughout that you are listening and asking if everything is ok or if they are feeling uncomfortable.There is a risk that you could catch infections or disease from that individual. For example, if someone had a disease then you would have to take appropriate  steps  to avoid catching it, or if they had a virus staff need to ensure they wear appropriate personal protection equipment There is also a risk to your physical health, for example, if you had to help move someone or support them in their movement in order to carry out personal hygiene, you would want to avoid injuring your back, or som e other part of your body.Others who might be involved supporting someone to maintain their personal hygiene can range from other support workers,  team leaders, key workers or managers of the residential home to professional people such as a district nurse,  dentist  or doctor. But the first stop maybe with the individual them self’s or a family member, for some it maybe an advocate Outcome 4. Injury or Illness- A serious injury can cause some people to develop poor personal hygiene. If they dont feel comfortable asking for help with bathing, this condition may continue until their injury heals.The same can occur when an illness leaves someone feeling weak. Anxiety, depression  or other mental illness may make it hard for people to keep up with bathing. Treatment of the illness is typically required to address this. /Puberty is a difficult time for many pre-teens and teenagers. Sometimes they rebel against puberty with poor personal hygiene. /Age being extremely old or extremely young can make it difficult to have proper personal hygiene. Assistance is often requiredAn individual does not want to expose certain parts of the body (could be cultural or a personal preference and could be any part of the body not just private parts work with them to ensure that their preference is adhered to. An individual has a particular personal hygiene routine (again it could be cultural or personal preference) provide resources and support. An individual gets  confused  and distressed when bathing eg has  dementia   provide a warm room temperature as cold can be distressing, keep calm, use measures that usually calm the individual eg music.

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